Source code for veros_bgc.diagnostics.npzd_monitor

from loguru import logger

from veros.diagnostics.diagnostic import VerosDiagnostic
from veros import veros_method

[docs]class NPZDMonitor(VerosDiagnostic): """Diagnostic monitoring nutrients and plankton concentrations """ name = 'npzd' #: output_frequency = None #: Frequency (in seconds) in which output is written restart_attributes = [] save_graph = False #: Whether or not to save a graph of the selected dynamics graph_attr = { #: Properties of the graph (graphviz) 'splines': 'ortho', 'center': 'true', 'nodesep': '0.05', 'node': 'square' } def __init__(self, setup): self.output_variables = [] self.surface_out = [] self.bottom_out = [] self.po4_total = 0 self.dic_total = 0 @veros_method def initialize(self, vs): cell_volume = vs.area_t[2:-2, 2:-2, np.newaxis] * vs.dzt[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :] * vs.maskT[2:-2, 2:-2, :] po4_sum = vs.phytoplankton[2:-2, 2:-2, :, vs.tau] * vs.redfield_ratio_PN\ + vs.detritus[2:-2, 2:-2, :, vs.tau] * vs.redfield_ratio_PN\ + vs.zooplankton[2:-2, 2:-2, :, vs.tau] * vs.redfield_ratio_PN\ + vs.po4[2:-2, 2:-2, :, vs.tau] self.po4_total = np.sum(po4_sum * cell_volume) if vs.enable_carbon: dic_sum = vs.phytoplankton[2:-2, 2:-2, :, vs.tau] * vs.redfield_ratio_CN\ + vs.detritus[2:-2, 2:-2, :, vs.tau] * vs.redfield_ratio_CN\ + vs.zooplankton[2:-2, 2:-2, :, vs.tau] * vs.redfield_ratio_CN\ + vs.dic[2:-2, 2:-2, :, vs.tau] self.dic_total = np.sum(dic_sum * cell_volume) def diagnose(self, vs): pass @veros_method def output(self, vs): """Print NPZD interaction graph """ if self.save_graph: from graphviz import Digraph npzd_graph = Digraph('npzd_dynamics', filename='npzd_dynamics.gv') label_prefix = '\\tiny ' # should be selectable in settings allows for better exporting to tex label_prefix = '' # Create a node for all selected tracers # Drawing edges also creates nodes, so this just ensures, we se it, # when there are no connections to a node for tracer, tracer_data in vs.npzd_tracers.items(): npzd_graph.node(tracer) # If a tracer has the sinking_speed attribute indicate on the graph if hasattr(tracer_data, 'sinking_speed'): npzd_graph.node('Bottom', shape='square') npzd_graph.edge(tracer, 'Bottom', label=label_prefix + 'sinking', lblstyle='sloped,above') # Common source rules are split up into several rules # This causes a duplication of the first registerd rule # Which should not be shown, so if there is more than one of them selected, # The source edge should not be displayed, because it is already there skiprules = [] for name, rule in vs.common_source_rules.items(): # Construct the list of rule names rule_names = [name + '_' + rule[0][1]] + [name + '_' + rule[i][2] for i in range(1, len(rule))] # If there is more than one indicate, that it should be skipped from drawing if len(rule_names) > 1: skiprules.append(vs.npzd_available_rules[rule_names[0]]) # Draw primary rules for rule in vs.npzd_rules: if rule in skiprules: continue npzd_graph.edge(rule.source, rule.sink, label=label_prefix + rule.label, lblstyle='sloped, above') # Draw pre rules dotted for rule in vs.npzd_pre_rules: if rule in skiprules: continue npzd_graph.edge(rule.source, rule.sink, label=label_prefix + rule.label, style='dotted', lblstyle='sloped, above') # Draw post rules dashed for rule in vs.npzd_post_rules: if rule in skiprules: continue npzd_graph.edge(rule.source, rule.sink, label=label_prefix + rule.label, style='dashed', lblstyle='sloped, above') self.save_graph = False npzd_graph.render('npzd_graph', view=False) """ Total phosphorus should be (approximately) constant """ cell_volume = vs.area_t[2:-2, 2:-2, np.newaxis] * vs.dzt[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :] * vs.maskT[2:-2, 2:-2, :] po4_sum = vs.phytoplankton[2:-2, 2:-2, :, vs.tau] * vs.redfield_ratio_PN\ + vs.detritus[2:-2, 2:-2, :, vs.tau] * vs.redfield_ratio_PN\ + vs.zooplankton[2:-2, 2:-2, :, vs.tau] * vs.redfield_ratio_PN\ + vs.po4[2:-2, 2:-2, :, vs.tau] if vs.enable_carbon: dic_sum = vs.phytoplankton[2:-2, 2:-2, :, vs.tau] * vs.redfield_ratio_CN\ + vs.detritus[2:-2, 2:-2, :, vs.tau] * vs.redfield_ratio_CN\ + vs.zooplankton[2:-2, 2:-2, :, vs.tau] * vs.redfield_ratio_CN\ + vs.dic[2:-2, 2:-2, :, vs.tau] po4_total = np.sum(po4_sum * cell_volume) logger.diagnostic(' total phosphorus: {}, relative change: {}'.format(po4_total, (po4_total - self.po4_total)/self.po4_total)) self.po4_total = po4_total[...] if vs.enable_carbon: dic_total = np.sum(dic_sum * cell_volume) logger.diagnostic(' total DIC: {}, relative change: {}'.format(dic_total, (dic_total - self.dic_total)/self.dic_total)) self.dic_total = dic_total.copy() for var in self.output_variables: if var in vs.recycled: recycled_total = np.sum(vs.recycled[var][2:-2, 2:-2, :] * cell_volume) else: recycled_total = 0 if var in vs.mortality: mortality_total = np.sum(vs.mortality[var][2:-2, 2:-2, :] * cell_volume) else: mortality_total = 0 if var in vs.net_primary_production: npp_total = np.sum(vs.net_primary_production[var][2:-2, 2:-2, :] * cell_volume) else: npp_total = 0 if var in vs.grazing: grazing_total = np.sum(vs.grazing[var][2:-2, 2:-2, :] * cell_volume) else: grazing_total = 0 logger.diagnostic(' total recycled {}: {}'.format(var, recycled_total)) logger.diagnostic(' total mortality {}: {}'.format(var, mortality_total)) logger.diagnostic(' total npp {}: {}'.format(var, npp_total)) logger.diagnostic(' total grazed {}: {}'.format(var, grazing_total)) for var in self.surface_out: logger.diagnostic(' mean {} surface concentration: {} mmol/m^3'.format(var, vs.npzd_tracers[var][vs.maskT[:, :, -1]].mean())) for var in self.bottom_out: logger.diagnostic(' mean {} bottom concentration: {} mmol/m^3'.format(var, vs.npzd_tracers[var][vs.bottom_mask].mean())) def read_restart(self, vs, infile): pass def write_restart(self, vs, outfile): pass