Available settingsΒΆ

VerosState.enable_npzd = False
VerosState.recycled = {}

Amount of recycled material [mmol/m^3] for NPZD tracers

VerosState.mortality = {}

Amount of dead plankton [mmol/m^3] by species

VerosState.net_primary_production = {}

Primary production for each producing plankton species

VerosState.plankton_growth_functions = {}

Collection of functions calculating growth for plankton by species

VerosState.limiting_functions = {}

Collection of functions calculating limits to growth for plankton by species

VerosState.npzd_tracers = {}

Dictionary whose values point to veros variables for npzd tracers

VerosState.npzd_rules = []

List of active rules in primary loop of BGC

VerosState.npzd_pre_rules = []

List of rules to executed in the pre loop of BGC

VerosState.npzd_post_rules = []

Rules to be executed after primary bio loop

VerosState.npzd_available_rules = {}

Every rule created is stored here, can be individual rules or collections of rules

VerosState.npzd_selected_rule_names = []

name of selected rules

VerosState.npzd_export = {}

Exported material from npzd tracers by sinking

VerosState.npzd_import = {}

Imported material from npzd tracers from layer above. Takes same value as npzd_export scaled by level differences. Sea surface is 0

VerosState.zprefs = {}

Preference for zooplankton to graze on named tracers

VerosState.npzd_transported_tracers = []

List of NPZD tracers which are transported

VerosState.npzd_advection_derivatives = {}

Stores derivates of advection term for tracers

VerosState.temporary_tracers = {}

Temporary copy of npzd_tracers for biogeochemistry loop

VerosState.light_attenuation_phytoplankton = 0.047

Light attenuation of phytoplankton

VerosState.light_attenuation_water = 0.04

Light attenuation of water [1/m]

VerosState.light_attenuation_ice = 5.0

Light attenuation of ice [1/m]

VerosState.remineralization_rate_detritus = 0

Remineralization rate of detritus [1/sec]

VerosState.bbio = 0

the b in b ** (c*T)

VerosState.cbio = 0

the c in b ** (c*T)

VerosState.maximum_growth_rate_phyto = 0.0

Maximum growth rate parameter for phytoplankton in [1/sec]

VerosState.maximum_grazing_rate = 0

Maximum grazing rate at 0 deg C [1/sec]

VerosState.fast_recycling_rate_phytoplankton = 0

Fast-recycling mortality rate of phytoplankton [1/sec]

VerosState.saturation_constant_N = 0.7

Half saturation constant for N uptake [mmol N / m^3]

VerosState.saturation_constant_Z_grazing = 0.15

Half saturation constant for Z grazing [mmol/m^3]

VerosState.specific_mortality_phytoplankton = 0

Specific mortality rate of phytoplankton

VerosState.quadric_mortality_zooplankton = 0

Quadric mortality rate of zooplankton [1/ (mmol N ^2 s)]

VerosState.assimilation_efficiency = 0

Effiency with which ingested prey is converted growth in zooplankton, range: [0,1]

VerosState.zooplankton_growth_efficiency = 0

Zooplankton growth efficiency, range: [0,1]

VerosState.wd0 = 0.0

Sinking speed of detritus at surface [m/s]

VerosState.mwz = 1000

Depth below which sinking speed of detritus remains constant [m]

VerosState.mw = 2.3148148148148148e-07

Increase in sinking speed with depth [1/sec]

VerosState.zprefP = 1

Zooplankton preference for grazing on Phytoplankton

VerosState.zprefZ = 1

Zooplankton preference for grazing on other zooplankton

VerosState.zprefDet = 1

Zooplankton preference for grazing on detritus

VerosState.redfield_ratio_PN = 0.0625

Refield ratio for P/N

VerosState.redfield_ratio_CP = 113.6

Refield ratio for C/P

VerosState.redfield_ratio_ON = 10.6

Redfield ratio for O/N

VerosState.redfield_ratio_CN = 7.1

Redfield ratio for C/N

VerosState.trcmin = 1e-13

Minimum npzd tracer value

VerosState.u1_min = 1e-06

Minimum u1 value for calculating avg J

VerosState.zooplankton_max_growth_temp = 20.0

Temperature (C) for which zooplankton growth rate no longer grows with temperature

VerosState.capr = 0.022

Carbonate to carbon production ratio